Anorectic effect of COR659 in a rat model of overeating

Behav Pharmacol. 2023 Oct 1;34(7):437-442. doi: 10.1097/FBP.0000000000000751. Epub 2023 Aug 31.


COR659 is a new compound, the action of which is exerted via a dual mechanism: positive allosteric modulation of the GABAB receptor; antagonism or inverse agonism at the cannabinoid CB1 receptor. Recent lines of experimental evidence have indicated that COR659 potently and effectively reduced operant self-administration of and reinstatement of seeking behaviour for a chocolate-flavoured beverage. The present study was designed to assess whether the ability of COR659 to diminish these addictive-like, food-motivated behaviours extended to a rat model of overeating palatable food. To this end, rats were habituated to feed on a standard rat chow for 3 h/day; every 4 days, the 3-hour chow-feeding session was followed by a 1-hour feeding session with highly palatable, calorie-rich Danish butter cookies. Even though satiated, rats overconsumed cookies. COR659 (0, 2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg, i.p.) was administered before the start of the cookie-feeding session. Treatment with all 3 doses of COR659 produced a substantial decrease in intake of cookies and calories from cookies. These results extend the anorectic profile of COR659 to overconsumption of a highly palatable food and intake of large amounts of unnecessary calories.

PMID:37712580 | DOI:10.1097/FBP.0000000000000751