The effect of different spices on the moisture content, texture characterizations and consumer preferences of roasted sunflower seeds

Food Chem X. 2021 Sep 22;12:100130. doi: 10.1016/j.fochx.2021.100130. eCollection 2021 Dec 30.


Roasting is an important process in the industry of nuts and seeds production. The aim of this study was the effect of different spices (red pepper, paprika, hibiscus tea, curry powder, sistani wrench, black plum peel puree, caraway, fennel, vegetables) on the moisture content, texture characterizations and sensory properties of roasted sunflower seed. The roasting process was performed under similar industrial conditions. Sholi (coating agents with spices (4 and 6%)) was prepared and added to the samples during the roasting process. The results showed the sample containing 4% vegetables had the highest hardness and penetration work, while, the sample with 6% hibiscus tea had the highest moisture content and the lowest elasticity. Furthermore, the sample contained 6% and 4% paprika had the highest elasticity and the lowest moisture content, respectively. Sensory properties of roasted sunflower seeds indicated that samples had moderate consumers’ total acceptance, maybe, due to the new color and flavor of samples. The fracture force, hardness, penetration work and apparent modulus of elasticity of roasted sunflower seeds were in the range of 11.94-37.71 N, 28.31-55.83 N, 55.45-98.37 N.s and 12.53-24.06 N/s, respectively. PLS analysis showed the results of total acceptance, sensory hardness and instrumental properties were in agreement with each other. The use of new flavors and colors in this research can increase factory sales and respond to different consumer preferences.

PMID:34761198 | PMC:PMC8566932 | DOI:10.1016/j.fochx.2021.100130
