Synthesis of cocoa butter alternatives from palm kernel stearin, coconut oil and fully hydrogenated palm stearin blends by chemical interesterification

J Sci Food Agric. 2021 Aug 17. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.11498. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Chemical interesterification (CIE) is one of the important technological processes for the production of zero-trans fats. The aim of this study was to produce trans-free cocoa butter alternatives (CBAs) from palm kernel stearin (PKS), coconut oil (CNO) and fully-hydrogenated palm stearin (FHPS) blends via CIE using sodium methoxide as a catalyst. The physicochemical properties, crystallization and melting behavior, solid fat content (SFC), crystal morphology and polymorphism of the structured lipids (SLs) obtained and the corresponding physical blends (PBs) were characterized and compared with commercial CBAs.

RESULTS: After CIE, randomization of fatty acid distribution within and among triacylglycerol (TAG) molecules of PKS, CNO and FHPS resulted in a modification in TAG compositions of the PKS/CNO/FHPS blends and improved the properties and crystallization behavior of the blends. SFC and slip melting points of all SLs decreased from those of their respective PBs. In particular, SLs obtained from CIE of blends with 60-70% wt. PKS (blend ratios 60:10:30 and 70:10:20) exhibited the melting characteristic, SFC curves, crystal morphology and polymorphic form most similar to the commercial CBAs. In addition, these blends melted almost completely at body temperature, an improvement from that of the commercial CBAs.

CONCLUSION: SLs obtained from CIE of blends with 60-70% wt. PKS has high potential to be used commercially as trans-free CBAs for the confectionery industry. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.

PMID:34405412 | DOI:10.1002/jsfa.11498
