Status of Substance use among Undergraduate Medical Students in a Selected Government Medical College in Puducherry – An Explanatory Mixed Method Study

Indian J Community Med. 2023 Mar-Apr;48(2):258-263. doi: 10.4103/ijcm.ijcm_202_22. Epub 2023 Apr 7.


BACKGROUND: Studies have shown increase in health-risking behavior and a decline in health-promoting behavior among medical students during their stay in medical school. This study aims to determine the prevalence and reason for substance abuse among the undergraduate medical students in a selected medical college in Puducherry.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a facility-based explanatory mixed method study conducted from May 2019 to July 2019. Assessment of their substance abuse was done using ASSIST questionnaire. Substance use was summarized as proportions with 95% CI.

RESULTS: A total of 379 participants were included in the study. The mean age of the study participants was 20 years (± 1.34). The most prevalent substance use was alcohol (10.8%). About 1.9% and 1.6% of students surveyed consume tobacco and cannabis, respectively.

CONCLUSION: Facilitating factors for substance use as perceived by the participants were stress, peer pressure, easy availability of substances, socialization, curiosity, and awareness knowledge about safe limits of alcohol and tobacco.

PMID:37323748 | PMC:PMC10263037 | DOI:10.4103/ijcm.ijcm_202_22