Traditional Egg Cake
Baked in small round or oval containers
With side slightly brown
Is my younger day’s favorite.
Although we can still find in some of the shops,
It lacks the traditional fragrance.
So, I have decided to try baking some.
This is my best so far
Quite close to the original
Traditional Egg Cake
A) whisk together:
     4 large eggs
     100g sugar
B) sift together:
     150g all purpose flour
     1 tsp baking powder
     1/8 tsp salt
C) combine:
     40g milk
     40g corn oil
1. whisk A until white & thicken, @ ribbon stage
2. fold in sifted B, in 3 additions
3. take out a little egg batter and mix with C
4. pour the mixture back into the egg batter, mix to combine
5. scoop into oiled containers, 90% full
6. bake in preheated oven 180’C for 20min until brown
7. let cool
8. to remove from mould, press & squeeze the sides of cake
9. enjoy