Randomized controlled trial of zolpidem as a pharmacotherapy for cannabis use disorder

J Subst Use Addict Treat. 2023 Oct 4:209180. doi: 10.1016/j.josat.2023.209180. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Sleep disturbance is commonly reported among individuals meeting criteria for cannabis use disorder (CUD), and cannabis users frequently report sleep disturbance as a contributor to failed quit attempts. The purpose of this study was to measure sleep in individuals enrolled in treatment for CUD, and to determine whether use of hypnotic medication during treatment increased abstinence rates.

METHOD: The study enrolled 127 adults seeking treatment for CUD in a 12-week clinical trial and randomized to receive extended-release zolpidem (zolpidem-XR) or placebo. All participants received computerized behavioral therapy and abstinence-based contingency management. The study conducted in-home ambulatory polysomnography (PSG) assessments at baseline and during treatment to objectively measure sleep. Self-report measures of recent sleep, Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), and drug use (Timeline Follow-Back) were collected at each study visit, and the study confirmed self-reported abstinence via quantitative urine drug testing.

RESULT: Participants randomized to placebo, but not zolpidem-XR exhibited significant sleep disturbance during week 1 of treatment. Sleep disturbance emerged in the zolpidem-XR group after study medication was stopped at the end of treatment. Though participants assigned to the zolpidem-XR condition had qualitatively greater rates of abstinence compared with placebo (27 % versus 15 % negative at end of treatment), the difference was not statistically significant. Treatment retention was poor (about 50 % drop out in both groups) and medication adherence was a challenge without the use of contingent incentives.

CONCLUSION: Results from this randomized controlled trial suggest that zolpidem-XR can attenuate abstinence-induced sleep disturbance early in treatment for CUD, but that sleep problems are likely to emerge after the medication is stopped. Further research should identify alternative pharmacotherapies and behavioral treatments for CUD and elucidate the role of sleep disturbance in the development and maintenance of CUD.

PMID:37802317 | DOI:10.1016/j.josat.2023.209180