In vitro antidiabetic and antimicrobial activity of Dracocephalum heterophyllum Benth. essential oil from different sites of North-western Himalayas India

Nat Prod Res. 2022 Jul 6:1-4. doi: 10.1080/14786419.2022.2096603. Online ahead of print.


Dracocephalum heterophyllum Benth (Lamiaceae) is a wild herb that possesses a number of biologically active phytomolecules. The aim of this study was to investigate comparative essential oils (EOs) composition and biological (antimicrobial and anti-diabetic) activities of D. heterophyllum from higher altitudes. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and gas chromatography-flame ionisation detector (GC-FID) were carried out for the identification and quantification of EOs components. The hydrodistillation of fresh aerial part of D. heterophyllum gave (0.1-0.8) % w/v EOs yield. Altogether, twenty-seven constituents were identified in the among samples representing (91.0-98.2) % of the EOs composition. The β-citronellol (31.5-83.7) % contributes major constituent in all samples. The in vitro antimicrobial potential of EOs was examined against six human pathogenic bacterial and two phytopathogens fungal strains. Anti-diabetic activity exhibits excellent α-amylase and better α-glucosidase enzymes inhibitor properties.

PMID:35793448 | DOI:10.1080/14786419.2022.2096603