High Dose Fish Oil Added to Various Lipid Emulsions Normalizes Superoxide Dismutase 1 Activity in Home Parenteral Nutrition Patients

Nutrients. 2024 Feb 8;16(4):485. doi: 10.3390/nu16040485.


(1) Objectives: Intestinal failure in home parenteral nutrition patients (HPNPs) results in oxidative stress and liver damage. This study investigated how a high dose of fish oil (FO) added to various lipid emulsions influences antioxidant status and liver function markers in HPNPs. (2) Methods: Twelve HPNPs receiving Smoflipid for at least 3 months were given FO (Omegaven) for a further 4 weeks. Then, the patients were randomized to subsequently receive Lipoplus and ClinOleic for 6 weeks or vice versa plus 4 weeks of Omegaven after each cycle in a crossover design. Twelve age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HCs) were included. (3) Results: Superoxide dismutase (SOD1) activity and oxidized-low-density lipoprotein concentration were higher in all baseline HPN regimens compared to HCs. The Omegaven lowered SOD1 compared to baseline regimens and thus normalized it toward HCs. Lower paraoxonase 1 activity and fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19) concentration and, on the converse, higher alkaline phosphatase activity and cholesten concentration were observed in all baseline regimens compared to HCs. A close correlation was observed between FGF19 and SOD1 in baseline regimens. (4) Conclusions: An escalated dose of FO normalized SOD1 activity in HPNPs toward that of HCs. Bile acid metabolism was altered in HPNPs without signs of significant cholestasis and not affected by Omegaven.

PMID:38398809 | PMC:PMC10891535 | DOI:10.3390/nu16040485