Effects of the active botanical blend “WKUP GT” on attention and cognitive functions after lunch in healthy volunteers

Hum Psychopharmacol. 2024 Feb 17:e2895. doi: 10.1002/hup.2895. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: “WKUP GT”, a low caffeine beverage consisting of carob, Guarana, Green Tea and Elderberry extracts was studied on attention and cognitive functions post-lunch in a pilot randomized double blind placebo controlled trial.

METHODS: Thirty healthy volunteers were included in a crossover design trial, presenting five beverages randomly assigned to the following groups: placebo, “WKUP GT” (single, double or triple doses), or “caffeine” as an active control. Hemodynamic measurements were assessed as safety outcomes. The Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB), was used to evaluate the patients when beverages were consumed 30 and 120 min after lunch (respectively Delta30 and Delta120 considering baseline).

RESULTS: Drinking “caffeine” or “WKUP GT” after lunch, showed significant improvement (p < 0.05) in rapid visual information processing compared to placebo (Delta120 of “caffeine”, “WKUP” single and double). In addition, improvement in Multitasking Test (Delta30 for “WKUP” double, and Delta120 for “caffeine” and “WKUP” triple compared to placebo) was observed. “WKUP” triple also showed significant improvement for “memory” when compared to placebo (Delta120). Compared to “caffeine”, WKUP GT did not increase systolic blood pressure.

CONCLUSION: “WKUP GT” showed improvements for attention, memory, psychomotor and executive function tasks after lunch without increase in pulse rate.

PMID:38367243 | DOI:10.1002/hup.2895
