Effect of Solid-State Fermentation on the Essential Oil Yield of Curcuma longa Residues

Waste Biomass Valorization. 2022 May 30:1-9. doi: 10.1007/s12649-022-01817-7. Online ahead of print.


ABSTRACT: The solid waste of Curcuma longa rhizomes generated after its cold juice process making is mostly unused and discarded even though they can contain essential oil. Conventional techniques such as hydrodistillation can be used to extract essential oil, but this generally results in low essential oil yield and inefficient extraction time. Solid-state fermentation as a pretreatment of distillation could improve the yield of essential oil. In this study, we evaluated the effect of solid state fermentation on the yield of extraction of Curcuma longa solid wastes essential oil. The solid-state fermentation was carried out naturally without any addition of inoculum and the extraction was performed by hydrodistillation. Under experimental conditions at room temperature ( 25 ∘ C ) with a moisture content of 44% and anaerobically in the dark, the treatment of 7 days of solid state fermentation followed by 2 h of hydrodistillation provided the highest yield of 1.21% as compared to non-fermented of 0.35% and of 0.96% relative to the raw plant material representing an increase of 71% and 21% respectively. A set of experiments was then carried out by a Doehlert matrix to optimize the yield of extraction. Two independent variables, namely the distillation time and the fermentation time, were studied. Under optimal experimental conditions of 10 days and 4 h, a yield of 1.96% was obtained validating the statistical model. The solid state fermentation applied before the hydrodistillation step has been successful and proves its potential to improve the efficiency of essential oil extraction.

PMID:35669697 | PMC:PMC9150767 | DOI:10.1007/s12649-022-01817-7