Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Cannabis, and Delta-8 THC: Perceived Likelihood, Risk Perceptions, and Behaviors

J Psychoactive Drugs. 2024 Apr 9:1-10. doi: 10.1080/02791072.2024.2339506. Online ahead of print.


Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or cannabis poses public health risks. Little is known about DUI of Delta-8 THC, a newer cannabis product. Using 2022 survey data among 189 U.S. adults ages 18-25 (58.73% male, 59.26% non-Hispanic White), multivariable logistic regression examined substance-specific (alcohol, cannabis, Delta-8) DUI perceived likelihood and risk in relation to past-year DUI among those with past-year use of each. Overall, 72.49% reported past-year alcohol use, 50.53% cannabis, and 22.46% Delta-8. Among those reporting past-year use of each respective substance, 33.58% reported DUI of alcohol, 32.63% cannabis, and 57.14% Delta-8. On average, participants had the same DUI perceived likelihood (“somewhat unlikely”) across substances and perceived alcohol DUI as riskiest. Higher alcohol DUI perceived likelihood and lower perceived risk were associated with alcohol-related DUI. Greater cannabis-related perceived likelihood (but not risk) was associated with cannabis-related DUI. Neither Delta-8 DUI perceived likelihood nor risk were associated with Delta-8 DUI. In sum, perceived DUI likelihood for alcohol, cannabis, or Delta-8 tended to be similar. Among those with past-year use of each, the proportion of DUI was highest for Delta-8. Interventions should target DUI-related perceived likelihood and promote protective behavioral strategies that reduce substance-specific DUI risk.

PMID:38590250 | DOI:10.1080/02791072.2024.2339506