Content of Docosahexaenoic Acid in Pectoral Muscles of Birds Correlates with Wing Beat Frequency

Dokl Biochem Biophys. 2022 Dec;507(1):350-352. doi: 10.1134/S1607672922340075. Epub 2023 Feb 14.


Docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA) is a structural component of cell membranes and due to a peculiar form of its molecule exerts a high lateral pressure in the membranes enhancing activity of membrane-associated enzymes. A high content of DHA probably provides a high frequency of contraction and a continuous working of skeletal muscles. To estimate the probable physiological and biochemical role of DHA in muscle tissue, a relation of its contents in pectoral muscles of birds with wing beat frequency was evaluated. A high statistically significant correlation between the content of DHA in pectoral muscles of birds and species-specific wing beat frequency was found.

PMID:36787000 | DOI:10.1134/S1607672922340075