Characterization of aerosols from hemp-derived pre-roll joints

Inhal Toxicol. 2023 May 9:1-6. doi: 10.1080/08958378.2023.2206448. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: Availability and consumer use of hemp products is rapidly increasing, but little work has been done to assess aerosol emissions of hemp pre-rolls. The objective of this research was to characterize the aerosol of pre-rolled joints from hemp material enriched for production of cannabigerol (CBG) that were smoked on a test system mimicking human use patterns.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Aerosol emissions were collected and analyzed using glass microfiber filters and charcoal cartridges. The aerosol was screened for nine phytocannabinoids and 19 terpenes.

RESULTS: Three phytocannabinoids (CBG, cannabichromene (CBC), and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)) were detected and quantified at a mean (SD) concentration of 19.4 (4.7), 0.48 (0.01), and 0.40 (0.04) mg per pre-roll, respectively. Five terpenes ((-)-α-bisabolol, (-)-guaiol, β-caryophyllene, nerolidol, and α-humulene) were detected and quantified at an average concentration of 352.7 (112.0), 194.3 (66.4), 106.0 (50.4), 28.3 (9.3), and 27.7 (11.2) µg per pre-roll, respectively. Particle size distribution testing via aerodynamic particle sizer and inertial impactor showed that average size of emitted aerosols was 0.77 (0.0) and 0.54 (0.1) µm, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: This study describes methodology for characterization of cannabinoid and terpene dose in emitted aerosols and aerosolization efficiency from hemp pre-rolls. It also presents these data for one of the marketed products.

PMID:37159420 | DOI:10.1080/08958378.2023.2206448