Cannabis labelling is associated with genetic variation in terpene synthase genes

Nat Plants. 2021 Oct;7(10):1330-1334. doi: 10.1038/s41477-021-01003-y. Epub 2021 Oct 14.


Analysis of over 100 Cannabis samples quantified for terpene and cannabinoid content and genotyped for over 100,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms indicated that Sativa- and Indica-labelled samples were genetically indistinct on a genome-wide scale. Instead, we found that Cannabis labelling was associated with variation in a small number of terpenes whose concentrations are controlled by genetic variation at tandem arrays of terpene synthase genes.

PMID:34650264 | PMC:PMC8516649 | DOI:10.1038/s41477-021-01003-y