Australians’ experience, barriers and willingness towards consuming edible insects as an emerging protein source

Appetite. 2021 Dec 8:105832. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105832. Online ahead of print.


Increasing global populations and limitations on the natural resources required in food production such as land and water will place further pressure on an already strained food production system. To meet the future food production requirements, it is essential to find viable alternatives to current food sources, without the high resource challenges. Protein production is of particular concern and insects are a nutritious and sustainable source yet, despite a rich history in parts of the world, Australians have been reluctant to adopt the practice as a societal norm. This study aimed to explore Australian consumers’ experiences with edible insects, identify barriers to consumption, and explore possible factors that may motivate Australians to consume insects. A total of 601 participants (23.8% male, 76.2% female), completed an online survey using a variety of open-ended questions; 5- or 7-point Likert scales and check-all-that-apply questions. Consumer willingness was measured through self-reporting willingness-to-try insects or insect-based foods. Results indicated 35.4% of participants had previously consumed insects, with Orthoptera (crickets, grasshoppers) the most commonly consumed order (60.1%). Participants with no previous experience consuming insects cited ‘lack of opportunity’ as the main reason (57.2%). ‘Increased accessibility’ (56.6%) and ‘increased nutrition knowledge’ (56.6%) were identified as major factors that may increase the likelihood of future insect consumption. Participants reporting that they were willing to try insects were most likely to accept ‘insect-based flour’ (65.6%) and ‘chocolate-covered ants’ (52.1%). By providing increased opportunity, accessibility and education of insect-based food products, a higher proportion of Australians may be willing to eat insects, particularly if presented in indistinguishable forms (i.e. flour). This may lead to a greater acceptance of insects as an alternative, more sustainable protein source than previously anticipated.

PMID:34896167 | DOI:10.1016/j.appet.2021.105832