A new perspective on cholesterol in pediatric health: Association of vitamin D metabolism, respiratory diseases, and mental health problems

Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021 Dec 9. doi: 10.3345/cep.2020.00934. Online ahead of print.


Cholesterol, the main structural molecule of cell membranes, is involved in essential functions of the human body. Dyslipidemia is an established risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) that is observed even in childhood. To reduce the risk of CVDs in children, several clinical guidelines have been published for the management of pediatric dyslipidemia. However, pediatric dyslipidemia is also associated with several health problems other than CVDs. This article reviews the current data on dyslipidemia-related pediatric health issues. There is strong evidence that low serum vitamin D levels, asthma, and mental health problems may be associated with dyslipidemia in the pediatric population regardless of body mass index. This review also highlights the need for further large-scale population-based studies in the Korean pediatric population to establish effective strategies for promoting children’s health.

PMID:34886593 | DOI:10.3345/cep.2020.00934