A cross-sectional survey of the prevalence and patterns of using cannabis as a sleep aid in Canadian cancer survivors

J Cancer Surviv. 2023 Oct 14. doi: 10.1007/s11764-023-01474-2. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Poor sleep is one of the most common side effects of cancer. It can persist for years beyond treatment and negatively impact quality of life and health. Cannabis is increasingly used to manage cancer treatment-related symptoms, including sleep. This study investigated the use and perceived effects of cannabis as a sleep aid in Canadian cancer survivors.

METHODS: Adult Canadian cancer survivors (N = 1464) were recruited via the Angus Reid Institute and completed an online, cross-sectional survey including the Insomnia Severity Index and questions about cannabis use for sleep. Standard descriptive statistics, such as means, standard deviations, and ranges were produced for measured variables to assess the ways cancer survivors use cannabis for sleep. Frequencies were tabulated for categorical and ordinal variables.

RESULTS: On average, participants (Mage = 61.1 years; Women = 50%: Men = 48%) received their cancer diagnosis 12.5 years prior. Of participants, 23.5% (n = 344) currently use cannabis as a sleep aid, with reported benefits including relaxation, reduced time to fall asleep, fewer nocturnal awakenings and improved sleep quality. Two thirds (68.3%, n = 235) only began using cannabis for sleep after their cancer diagnosis. Over a third of participants (36.3%, n = 125) use cannabis as a sleep aid every day. Among the 344, the most common other reasons for using cannabis were pain (31.4%, n = 108), recreational use (24.4%, n = 84), and anxiety (12.5%, n = 43).

CONCLUSIONS: Given the prevalence and potential impact, research is needed to examine the actual efficacy of cannabis as a sleep aid.

IMPLICATIONS FOR CANCER SURVIVORS: It is important that cancer survivors have information on methods to help their sleep to avoid impairments to quality of life and health.

PMID:37837502 | DOI:10.1007/s11764-023-01474-2