UPLC-ESI-MS/MS profiling and hepatoprotective activities of Stevia leaves extract, butanol fraction and stevioside against radiation-induced toxicity in rats

Nat Prod Res. 2021 Dec 13:1-7. doi: 10.1080/14786419.2021.2015594. Online ahead of print.


Stevioside is the major component of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) leaves, family Asteraceae. UPLC-ESI-MS/MS analyses of leaves total methanol extract (TEx) and standardized butanol fraction (BF, 113.5 mg stevioside/g) were performed herein, revealing steviol glycosides, caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, flavonoids, and sesquiterpenoids. Their hepatoprotective activities against radiation-induced toxicity were evaluated compared to pure stevioside. Rats pretreatment with stevioside, TEx, and BF orally for 7 days before subjection to 6.5 Gy whole-body-gamma-irradiation reversed histopathological damages; improved liver functions and restored depleted antioxidants. ALT and reduced-glutathione levels showed insignificant changes, compared to control, by (5.22%, 3.20%, 24.90%) and (-0.47%, -3.95%, -2.63%), respectively. Glutathione-S-transferase, catalase, and MDA levels were significantly ameliorated. Liver tissue molecular profiling showed reduction in elevated TNF-α by 23.83%, 29.06%, 28.34%, respectively, and in NF-kB and COX-2 expression levels via immunohistochemical study. BF showed better hepatoprotective activity than TEx which may be attributed to higher stevioside, flavonoids, and caffeoylquinic acid derivatives content.

PMID:34894905 | DOI:10.1080/14786419.2021.2015594