Comparison of five basal compositions of selective chocolate agar media for isolation of Taylorella equigenitalis

J Equine Vet Sci. 2021 Dec 3:103829. doi: 10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103829. Online ahead of print.


The gold standard method to isolate and identify Taylorella equigenitalis, the contagious agent of equine metritis, is the culture method according to the World Organisation for Animal Health Terrestrial Manual. No selective T. equigenitalis chocolate agar medium has been developed since the 1980s and the existing media show limited performances due to the fastidious nature of T. equigenitalis and the presence of interfering bacteria in the genital tract of equines. Here, the growth rates of six T. equigenitalis strains and seven non-T. equigenitalis strains were compared on Timoney’s selective medium formulated with five different basal agars (Columbia, Eugon, Blood, Mueller-Hinton and Tryptose Blood) provided by two to four suppliers per basal agar. The impact of glucose and/or Vitox supplementation was also investigated. Overall, the performance of selective T. equigenitalis media could be improved by substituting Eugon or Columbia agar with Blood, Mueller-Hinton or Tryptose Blood agar. It is nevertheless essential to validate the basal agar/supplier pair using a panel of T. equigenitalis strains. Furthermore, our findings confirm the need to supplement the selective media with a mixture of amino acids, nucleotides, and organic, mineral and vitamin compounds, translated here by Vitox supplementation.

PMID:34871752 | DOI:10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103829