Optimizing screening cutoffs for drugs of abuse in hair using immunoassay for forensic applications

Adv Clin Exp Med. 2024 Feb 27. doi: 10.17219/acem/183124. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: In forensic toxicology, positive immunoassay (IA) test results do not hold forensic validity and need to be confirmed with mass spectrometry (MS). On the other hand, a negative result is a strong indication that the drug and/or the drug metabolites are not present in the sample and that confirmatory analyses are not necessary. Consequently, a negative IA result must have forensic validity since it can be admitted in court during a trial.

OBJECTIVES: Screening cutoffs for the analysis of hair samples using immunoassays (IAs) were retrospectively optimized based on the Society of Hair Testing (SoHT) confirmation cutoffs and the utility of the test for forensic applications was discussed.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Hair samples taken from 150 patients with a history of drug addiction were analyzed with ILab 650, Werfen (Milan, Italy) using DRIĀ® reagents. Confirmatory analyses were subsequently performed using the ACQUITY UPLCĀ® System, Waters Corporation (Milford, USA). Screening cutoffs were retrospectively optimized using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis.

RESULTS: A total of 162 single positive results were obtained for confirmatory analysis (10 for amphetamines/methamphetamines, 11 for MDMA, 37 for cocaine, 40 for THC, 33 for methadone, and 31 for opiates). The optimized screening cutoffs were 0.27 IA ng/mg for amphetamines, 0.51 IA ng/mg for MDMA, 0.59 IA ng/mg for cocaine, 0.14 IA ng/mg for cannabinoids, 0.63 IA ng/mg for methadone, and 0.26 IA ng/mg for opiates. An area under the curve (AUC) greater than 0.95 was obtained with very high sensitivity and specificity for all drugs.

CONCLUSIONS: The presented screening method proved to be a useful technique on hair samples for the classes of drugs most commonly found in Italy and Europe and can be applied to forensic analysis.

PMID:38411387 | DOI:10.17219/acem/183124