Chimaphila umbellata; a biotechnological perspective on the coming-of-age prince’s pine

Phytochem Rev. 2023 Jun 8:1-16. doi: 10.1007/s11101-023-09880-1. Online ahead of print.


Chimaphila umbellata has been studied for almost two centuries now, with the first paper exploring the phytochemistry of the plant published in 1860. Almost all contemporary studies focus on the biotechnological advances of C. umbellata including its utilization as a natural alternative in the cosmetic, food, biofuel, and healthcare industry, with a special focus on its therapeutic uses. This literature review critically investigates the significance and applications of secondary metabolites extracted from the plant and presses on the biotechnological approaches to improve its utilization. C. umbellata is home to many industrially and medicinally important phytochemicals, the majority of which belong to phenolics, sterols, and triterpenoids. Other important compounds include 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, isohomoarbutin, and methyl salicylate (the only essential oil of the plant). Chimaphilin is the characteristic phytochemical of the plant. This review focuses on the phytochemistry of C. umbellata and digs into their chemical structures and attributes. It further discusses the challenges of working with C. umbellata including its alarming conservation status, problems with in-vitro cultivation, and research and development issues. This review concludes with recommendations based on biotechnology, bioinformatics, and their crucial interface.

PMID:37359710 | PMC:PMC10249550 | DOI:10.1007/s11101-023-09880-1