The smoking of the tobacco and the reception of derivatives cannabis indica among soldiers of the Polish Army

Przegl Lek. 2005;62(10):1122-5.


Analyses managed in last years over the occurrence nicotinizm in the Polish Army adverted on his relationship with the enlargement themselves of taking and dependences from drugs. This problem was not to this time noticed, and both dependences were treated distribution places. Research passed by authors in years 2004-2005 proved that between both with dependences appear distinct interactions. One noticed e.g. that smoking soldiers cigarettes more often than non-smoker experiment with derivatives cannabis, and of smoking interest the marihuana more often than the once on week-days is among smoking the tobacco is higher than among not smoking the tobacco. Following important conclusions from research is finding out that taking of drugs can have the relationship with the lower age of the tobacco – initiation. Thus among persons which began the smoking of the tobacco aged below 15 of years appears beyond twice more respondents taking drugs. Research showed that in the army follows the return to the smoking of the tobacco (there grows interest of smoking soldiers of the service of principle) and increases the number of soldiers experimenting with drugs. At present time, 70% of soldiers of the service of principle declares the inveterate smoking of cigarettes and 18% the experimentation with drugs. More the group is determined by smoking soldiers 10-20 of cigarettes daily. The smoking of the tobacco and the drug habit in the army grow to the more and more greater problem social and wholesome. On one hand we deal with the growth of wholesome problems as of the consequence of the smoking of the tobacco and takings of drugs, on the other hand drugs are a reason of the growing number of crimes committed by soldiers.
