Fabrication of Multifunctional Nanocomposite Fiber Extracted from Sambucus nigra: Anti-nociceptive, Anti-inflammatory, Self-Cleaning, and UV Blocking

Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2024 Apr 29. doi: 10.1007/s12010-024-04967-7. Online ahead of print.


This article describes how to extract chemical compounds from Sambucus nigra and make multifunctional nanofabric doping/undoping nano-zinc oxide particles using an electrospinning apparatus. The created sample was examined using field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), which revealed that the manufactured fibers have an approximate diameter of 35 nm. An elemental mapping study also demonstrated the excellent distribution of nano-ZnO over the surface of the nanocomposite. The anti-nociceptive effect of the samples was studied, and the results suggested that the presence of Sambucus nigra caused pain prevention, and this effect demonstrated the anti-nociceptive effect in the samples studied by tail-flick experiments. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties of the samples were tested and showed favorable data results. Meanwhile, the self-cleaning of the prepared nanocomposites was studied. The results show that nano-zinc oxide doping has a direct impact on improving self-cleaning properties. Furthermore, ultraviolet (UV) transmission analysis of the samples showed that the prepared nanocomposites had excellent UV-blocking properties.

PMID:38683452 | DOI:10.1007/s12010-024-04967-7
