The Cholesterol-Modulating Effect of the New Herbal Medicinal Recipe from Yellow Vine (Coscinium fenestratum (Goetgh.)), Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe.), and Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) on Suppressing PCSK9 Expression to Upregulate LDLR Expression in HepG2 Cells

Plants (Basel). 2022 Jul 13;11(14):1835. doi: 10.3390/plants11141835.


PCSK9 is a promising target for developing novel cholesterol-lowering drugs. We developed a recipe that combined molecular docking, GC-MS/MS, and real-time PCR to identify potential PCSK9 inhibitors for herb ratio determination. Three herbs, Carthamus tinctorius, Coscinium fenestratum, and Zingiber officinale, were used in this study. This work aimed to evaluate cholesterol-lowering through a PCSK9 inhibitory mechanism of these three herbs for defining a suitable ratio. Chemical constituents were identified using GC-MS/MS. The PCSK9 inhibitory potential of the compounds was determined using molecular docking, real-time PCR, and Oil red O staining. It has been shown that most of the active compounds of C. fenestratum and Z. officinale inhibit PCSK9 when extracted with water, and C. fenestratum has been shown to yield tetraacetyl-d-xylonic nitrile (27.92%) and inositol, 1-deoxy-(24.89%). These compounds could inhibit PCSK9 through the binding of 6 and 5 hydrogen bonds, respectively, while the active compound in Z. officinale is 2-Formyl-9-[.beta.-d-ribofuranosyl] hypoxanthine (4.37%) inhibits PCSK9 by forming 8 hydrogen bonds. These results suggest that a recipe comprising three parts C. fenestratum, two parts Z. officinale, and one part C. tinctorius is a suitable herbal ratio for reducing lipid levels in the bloodstream through a PCSK9 inhibitory mechanism.

PMID:35890469 | PMC:PMC9318486 | DOI:10.3390/plants11141835